AC Tune Ups – Great Investment?

Now that summer is most definitely here and flexing its heat muscles, it’s a good idea to start thinking about getting your home’s air conditioning system tuned up. “Is it really worth it?” you might be wondering. “, and the answer is, to put it bluntly, YES! Without a tune up, there is more room for problems to arise and have an impact on your home and your family’s well-being. It is always preferable to be one step ahead of the game when it comes to the health and well-being of your air conditioning unit. Here are some of the reasons why an air conditioner tune-up is necessary and worthwhile for the health of your home.

Create Conditions For Long Term HVAC Equipment Lifespan

Was it ever brought to your attention that by performing preventative maintenance on your system, you could potentially extend the life of your system by several years, heck even 10? When properly maintained and tuned-up on an annual basis, a well-maintained system should last approximately 8-12 years, but often does last into the 10-20 year period. Remember that you’re trying to protect an investment when you pay for maintenance, and that can mean thousands of dollars in savings over a lifetime just by preserving the air conditioner you have!

Stopping Minor HVAC Issues From Turning Major

Professional air conditioning tune-ups give you the opportunity to identify problems that could potentially lead to more serious problems in the future. We will complete a thorough AC inspection and correct any red flags that arise before they become major issues. This is called preventative AC maintenance service, and it works wonders for all of our customers.

Utility Bills Can Be Consistent

With a tune-up appointment, we can ensure that your system will not be forced to work overtime to keep you cool, resulting in consistency in your monthly energy bills. A poorly running air conditioner can easily increase your utility bills anywhere from 10-40%, and if you’re “unsure” of your unit’s current condition, you may be on the higher end of that scale. No longer should you be panicking when you see your electric bill in your mailbox.

Make Your Central Air Conditioner Run Like A Champ!

A central air conditioning tune-up can improve the efficiency of your unit, ensuring that it continues to operate as intended. You and your family will be able to stay cool and comfortable with greater ease thanks to increased efficiency. No more air conditioning cycling off and on, warm spots throughout the house or areas where the temperature is freezing.

Keep Your Warranty Strong

If you have a limited warranty on your unit, you may be required to keep your A/C unit in good working order. Check the terms of your warranty to ensure that your unit continues to function properly and that your warranty remains valid!

These are just a few of the many reasons why having your air conditioning system serviced is beneficial to your home! Indoor comfort and air conditioning system maintenance go hand in hand, and even if your unit is in good working order, keeping up with maintenance can help you save money and avoid technical problems.

Contact us today for an air conditioner tune up!

from Air Check Mechanical Service


  1. Nice blog, your AC requires yearly maintenance to work properly therefore hire britechhvacflorida air conditioning tune up in Zephyrhills FL. Their expert technicians make them one of the best HVAC contractor in Zephyrhills FL.


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