When is Ductwork Replacement the Right Thing to Do?

You might have heard some HVAC maintenance professionals tell you or other homeowners that having ductwork problems doesn’t necessarily require you to replace your entire HVAC system immediately. They are not saying that to lead you into deeper trouble by waiting for your ductwork to cause bigger problems and thus, requiring you to spend more in the future. All they’re saying is, there are incidences wherein ductworks can be repaired to bring back their efficiency and proper functions, not necessarily whole replacements that will actually cost you more. HVAC contractors may perform inspections and tests so that you can be assisted in deciding on which action to take.

So, whether you need your system ductwork to be replaced or not depends on its overall condition. As mentioned earlier, some of these conditions can be remedied with a repair or partial replacements. But of course, there are some conditions that would require a full replacement of your ductwork. It would be to your advantage to know these things so that you won’t be duped.

Your ductwork needs replacement if it is not designed correctly.
If your HVAC is causing energy loss, this may be caused by air leaks, as well as ductwork that was not designed properly. Leaks and poorly designed ductwork cannot circulate the air that should effectively cool your house. So, even if you brought the correct HVAC system with the correct size and capacity, if your ductwork is not designed correctly, the rest of your system will not be able to function properly.

Some contractors even take shortcuts by using the old duct system when installing new equipment. However, in most cases, the ductwork should be changed to ensure that it’s not leaking, it works well with the cooling unit, and it’s sized correctly.
(Via: https://www.kaempfandharris.com/industry-news/7-hvac-ductwork-design-flaws-to-look-for-immediately)

Your flexible ductwork needs replacement if it has been twisted, torn, or kinked.
A lot of homes feature flexible ducts made of plastic material. The flimsiness of the material causes it to be damaged to the point that it may not be repairable already. Flexible ductwork that has become twisted or kinky and has tears will greatly affect airflow and therefore the overall performance of your HVAC unit. Thus, this needs to be replaced already.

Flexible ductwork must be installed properly to get the right amount of airflow to each room and a poor installation can severely affect airflow and comfort in your home. This means no kinks, using 90 degree elbows at all ceiling cans and the ductwork is pulled tight with minimal slack to minimize friction resistance.
(Via: http://www.greenintegrateddesign.com/blog/is-metal-ductwork-better-than-flexible-ductwork)

Your ductwork needs replacement if it has mold.
Ductwork that has leaks will cause excessive dust to your home, not to mention bring musty odors caused by mold. Moreover, if there is mold in your ductwork, its spores will also be distributed to the rest of your home. Thus, these ducts with mold infestation do not just need to be cleaned; it would be better if they are replaced.

Black mold in your air vents can cause a variety of unpleasant symptoms and health problems. The symptoms may vary from person to person, and can also depend on the length of exposure and the amount of spores inhaled.
(Via: https://www.abchomeandcommercial.com/blog/mold-in-air-vents-harmful/)

Your ductwork needs to be replaced if it is already too old.
The “functional” life of ductwork may be very long if it is properly maintained, although its components such as joints, seans, and seals may already show signs of wear and tear after 10 years. For the sake of your comfort and health, you may consider replacing your HVAC system’s ductwork if it has been serving you for at least a decade.

The ductwork in most homes lasts between 10 and 15 years before problems arise. If your ducts are more than 15 years old, have them replaced before major issues such as pests, gaps, or even collapsed sections of ducts appear.
(Via: https://byrdheatingandair.com/blog/3-signs-replace-ductwork#:~:text=The%20ductwork%20in%20most%20homes,collapsed%20sections%20of%20ducts%20appear.)

Does your ductwork need repair or replacement? Get in touch with us for professional advice.

from Air Check Mechanical Service
via https://www.aircheckms.com/ac-installation/when-is-ductwork-replacement-the-right-thing-to-do/


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