Why You May Need An AC Check

So, your AC system is not functioning as well as you are expecting it to. Come to think of it, it may have started to function rather lousily towards the end of summer 2020, when you were still using it heavily, but then the cooler breeze of autumn started introducing itself. Besides, who had the time to worry about an air conditioner not colling as expected when you had to think about making sure everyone in the family had face masks before setting even just one foot outside. So, it wasn’t a priority and now, you’re more or less a couple of months away from using your AC again. But you still have those two months, right? Surely, those things can wait.

If only it were that easy. One, everybody dealing with an underperforming AC unit may also think exactly the same way as you and will wait for the first weeks of June to finally deal with this non-essential problem. So yes, if you don’t want to get lost with the crowd and act on the issue with the majority, you might want to, at the very least, get educated on what may be the causes of needing AC repair services. And es, act sooner than later.

Your AC’s fan(s) may already be faulty.

One of the reasons why your AC is not cooling may be because the fans of your unit may have already given up. Your AC usually contains two fans: one that blows indoor air into the unit’s evaporator so that it will be cooled and the other that blows the air over to the condenser so that this warm air is expelled outside the room. If any of those two fans lack lubrication, have worn belts, have a malfunctioning motor, or have accumulated too many particles and dirt, then the airflow of the unit will not be serviceable, which may lead to bigger problems such as the unit’s compressor malfunctioning. If that happens, that is basically the endgame for your AC unit.

Without your air handler, the refrigerant in the evaporator coils may become too cold, and the coils may freeze. Without the condenser fan, the coolant would be unable to release its collected heat to the outside atmosphere.

(Via: https://www.coolbr.com/4-indications-that-you-ve-got-an-ac-fan-problem)

Your ducts may be leaking.

Another usually overlooked part of your AC system is the ductwork that goes through your ceilings and walls that carries the cooled air from your AC and disperses throughout your space. That’s the ideal scenario, but if your ducts have tears or holes in it, that cooled air will not be distributed efficiently, which will only lead you to believe your AC is not functioning properly as there are parts of the space that doesn’t feel cold. This might lead you to think that your AC needs replacement or you might feel the need to increase the mode of your unit or lower the thermostat, which will only make your unit work harder and drive your energy bills up. Holes in your network of air ducts may be caused by rodents, normal wear and tear, or even sloppy work of those who installed the ducts. Try to check if there is a problem with your ducts before jumping to the conclusion that your AC is already malfunctioning.

When there’s a leak in your vents or air ducts, it puts increased pressure on the HVAC unit that’s often more than it can handle. In addition to causing performance issues that lead to the necessity for more frequent maintenance, leaks also result in increased energy consumption, and are often the culprit when there’s a spike in your energy bills.

(Via: https://www.airproheatacnm.com/blog/hvac/why-leaky-duct-systems-are-bad-for-indoor-air-quality/)

Your thermostat may be acting up.

Thermostat problems may be common if you still have earlier generation AC units with old school thermostats that still use dials instead of buttons. These dial-type models through time may be susceptible to being calibrated incorrectly, which means your unit’s control system isn’t giving the rest of the unit the correct instructions of how cool the air should be. Of course, if your thermostat is installed in an area where it is too sunny or near implements that give out heat like light sources or kitchen equipment, obviously that can also lead to you getting misinformed that your AC might be malfunctioning.

You will have thermostat issues if your thermostat is not correctly placed in your home. You don’t want your thermostat to be in direct sunlight, and it should be no more than 5 feet from the door.

(Via: https://guysac.com/7-crucial-thermostat-issues-that-can-lead-to-hvac-problems/)

Your unit’s drains might be clogged.

By now, you should already know that the moisture in the air is being removed by your AC through a drain line to a pan, which leads down a drain. If these drains are clogged or the pan filled with moisture (read: water), your system might get damaged. This water may also encourage the growth of mold that will also damage your AC unit and compromise the quality of the cooled air it provides.

The spring and summer seasons often bring plenty of rain and storms, which can cause issues for outdoor air conditioning units. Leaves, debris, and other nuisances can block your unit’s drain line over time. This will create a backup of debris and water, which can shut down your unit or negatively affect its function.

(Via: https://www.newcombandcompany.com/resources/what-causes-clogged-ac-drain-line)

Need assistance to your A/C concerns? Get the expert advice you need from https://www.aircheckms.com/ac-repair.

The post Why You May Need An AC Check first appeared on Air Check Mechanical Service | AC Repair | Air Conditioning Installation.

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